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Physics: Books & Journals

Useful resources for Physics researchers


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Reference Books

Located either on the 2nd floor near the reference desk or on the 4th floor with other books. Larger reference works, such as Beilstein and Gmelin, are usually shelved on the 4th floor.

  Finding Aids

There is a great deal of property data that is summarized in books, such as those listed below. These can be especially helpful if you need data on more than just a single compound. Unless you know which books to look in, it can be a challenge to find them without help. Use the three links below to identify books that contain specific types of physical property and spectral data (i.e. dielectric constant, thermal conductivity, crystal structure, etc.). Then check AubieCat to see if Auburn Libraries has a copy of the book.

Index to Physical, Chemical and Other Property Data (Arizona State University) 
Chemical & Physical Properties in the Library (Duke University) 


 Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

American Institute of Physics Handbook Ref QC 61 .A5
Biographical Dictionary of Scientists. Physicists QC 15 .B56 1984
Encyclopedia of Acoustics QC 221.5 .E53 1997
Encyclopedia of Applied Physics Ref. QC 5 .E543 1991
Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance&nbsp QC 762. E53 1996
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Physics Ref QC 5 .M424 1997
PhysicsWeb: Famous Scientists 


 Handbooks and General Reference Books

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Ref QD 65 .H3
Handbook of Physical Quantities Ref QC 61 .H36 1997
Information Sources in Physics Ref QC 21.2 .I535 1994
VNR Index of Chemical and Physical Data Ref QC 61 .J36 1992
Thermophysical Properties of Matter QC 173.397 .P87 1970
Physical Reference Data 
Feynman Lectures on Physics


 Subject Profile Call Numbers

Call number ranges for browsing. Also search the library catalog for more books and subjects.
Call Number Subject
QB 1-999 Astronomy
QB 460-465 Astrophysics
QB 520-540 Sun (Solar Physics, etc.)
QC 1-999 Physics
QC 170-197 Atomic Physics
QC 176-177 Solid State Physics
QC 220-246 Acoustics, Sound
QC 251-338 Heat
QC 350-467 Optics, Light
QC 450-454 Spectroscopy
QC 474-496 Radiation Physics (General)
QC 501-766 Electricity and Magnetism
QC 717.5-718.8 Plasma Physics
QC 770-798 Nuclear and Partical Physics
QC 801-809 Geophysics, Cosmic Physics
QC 811-849 Geomagnetism
QC 851-999 Meteorology, Climatology
TK 7800-8360 Electronics
TK 7867-7871 Electronic Circuits
TK 7871.85-7874.5 Semiconductors, Microelectronics