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Physics Librarian

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Andrew Wohrley
Subjects: Engineering, Physics


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Finding Journals in the Library Catalog

Search the Auburn University library catalog to see if Auburn Libraries has the journal for the year(s) that you need either in print and/or via electronic access.
  • Journal Abbreviation search in "Basic Search" Type the journal abbreviation in the search box on the AU Libraries Homepage. This works for many, but not all journal abbreviations. If this does not find the journal, you must try method 2 or 4 below before concluding that AU Libraires does not have the journal.
  • Journal Title search in "Basic Search" Select "Journal Title" from the pull-down menu for "Search By " in a "Basic Search". Type in the unabbreviated name of the journal. Do not include "The" or "A" if these are the first word in the journal title. It may not be necessary to type in the entire title because this search automatically right truncates. For example "chemistry a" will find the record for Chemistry: A European Journal, along with 2 other journal titles. See Mystery Citations (below) to figure out what is the unabbreviated name of a journal.
  • Title search in "Keyword Search" Select "Title" from the pull-down menu for "Search By" in a "Keyword Search". Type in full words from the journal title or partial words ended with a question mark, such as chem?. This type of search usually finds more titles than just the desired journal. For example, "chemistry european" finds 39 titles, while "chem? eur?" finds 94 titles. Both searches find the desired Chemistry: A European Journal.
  • ISSN Number search in "Keyword Search" Every journal is assigned a unique 8-digit number of the form xxxx-xxxx. In a "Keyword Search" select "ISSN" from the pull-down menu for "Search By". Type in the ISSN Number.
Still can't find the journal in AubieCat for the year(s) you need?
In most cases, you can get a copy of the article via Interlibrary Loan, Ingenta, or the Linda Hall Library. See Delivery Services for more information.

List of Physics journals

Mystery Citations

Is there something wrong with your reference? Did Interlibrary Loan return your request because the article or book does not seem to exist? If the advice below does solve the problems, contact the physics librarian or Interlibaray Loan for help.
Having trouble unravelling an unfamiliar abbreviation to the full journal title? To search for a journal in AubieCat, you need either the full name of the journal or its ISSN number (xxxx-xxxx).

Online Resources to "Unravel" Journal Abbreviations

Print Resources to "Unravel" Journal Abbreviations

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