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This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries LibGuides

Electronic Books

Important Points:

  • Many of our ebooks are available only to current faculty, students, and staff at Auburn University and may require a login.
  • Auburn University Libraries purchases ebooks to support the instructional, research, and outreach mission of Auburn University, consequently most of our electronic books are academic in nature.
  • Auburn Public Library is an excellent resource for recreational reading; they have a large collection of ebooks in a variety of formats.
  • AU Libraries cannot purchase books in Kindle format. Books must be available in PDF or EPub format in order to be considered for purchase. 
  • AU Libraries' ebooks can be read on computers, tablets, smartphones or other portable devices with Internet access; however, to download ebooks, you must have an Adobe Digital ID and be able to download Adobe Digital Editions or an app like Bluefire to your device. Click the Adobe Digital Editions tab for more information on downloading Adobe Digital Editions.

eBook Quick Guide

eBook Quick Guide
  EBSCO ebooks Proquest eBook Central Springer

Do I need a special account login?

Yes Yes No but off-campus users will login with their AU ID and password credentials

Is there a limited loan period?

1-7 days - limited simultaneous users

7 days - limited simultaneous users

Users are limited to 5 downloads

None - PDF download 

Springer eBooks also has a “My Copy” option to purchase a soft-cover book for $25.00


Do I need special software to download?

Download to a computer with Adobe Digital Editions to read there or to move to an eReader device. 

May be able to download directly to a tablet with the Bluefire app.

You can do a page at a time as simple PDFs.

Full Download to a computer with Adobe Digital Editions to read there or move to an eReader device.

May be able to download directly to a tablet with the Bluefire app.

Adobe Acrobat - files are simple PDFs with no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions


Can I cut and paste from the online preview?



No, but PDF download is simple and has no checkout period limit.

Can I cut and paste from the download?



You may print a limited number of pages and copy a limited amount of text. These limits are displayed and tracked in the e-book interface.

Can I keyword search the full-text of the vendor's eBook collection?

Yes, from the EBSCO vendor platform

(not from the library catalog) Instructions

Yes, from the eBook Central vendor platform

(not from the library catalog)  Instructions

Yes, from the Springer vendor platform (limit your search to Books)

(not from the library catalog) Instructions
