Bibliography of some source useful to INSY 7976
OSHA Regulations
Current walking-working surfaces regulation:
Also found at This site is easily searchable and the main OSHA regulation relevant to this class may be found at: 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D - Walking-Working Surfaces
You may browse for regulations before the current year by typing everything in the above URL before 2018.
ASTM Standards
The library subscribes to the ASTM Compass database ( and it contains all the ASTM standards plus technical papers and journal articles. The ASTM Subcommittee F13.50 on Walkway Surfaces has 5 active standards relevant to your assignment.
F1637-19 Standard Practice for Safe Walking Surfaces
F1694-14 Standard Guide for Composing Walkway Surface Investigation, Evaluation and Incident Report Forms for Slips, Stumbles, Trips, and Falls
F2948-13 Standard Guide to Walkway Auditor Qualifications
F2965-13 Standard Guide for Selection of Walkway Surfaces and Treatments When Considering Aggressive Contaminant Conditions in Commercial and Industrial (Not Including Construction) Environments
F2966-13 Standard Guide for Snow and Ice Control for Walkway Surfaces
Other standards
The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers has online ANSI standards that show that “…ANSI/NAAMM MBG treads meet the loading requirements of OSHA 29CFR 1910.24 (c).” The standards are free online and listed below and may be accessed online at
Metal Bar Grating Manual 531-17
Metal Bar Grating Engineering Design Manual 2014 MBG 534-14
Welding Standards for Fabrication of Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum Bar Grating 2009 MBG 533-09
Heavy Duty Metal Bar Grating Manual MBG 532-09