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IT Tools & Consulting: Welcome

This is your starting point for getting help and guidance on using IT tools and services in your research project or research funding proposal. We offer consultations in the areas listed below.

Manager, IT

Profile Photo
Denise Baker
IT Department
AU Libraries

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • IBM Cloud Watson Discovery Service: Watson is an Enterprise search and Artificial Intelligence search technology that breaks open data silos and retrieves specific answers to your questions while analyzing trends and relationships buried in enterprise data

Database Development and Design

Database Development and Design

  • Choosing a database platform (relational vs document-based, total data volume vs concurrent users)
  • Designing database tables and relationships using proper normalization
  • Optimizing database performance (creating indexes, hardware resources)
  • Security best practices (database user permissions, firewall rules, avoiding sql injection)
  • Advising on database backups, redundancy

Digital Preservation

Digital Preservation

  • Selecting and preparing content for digital preservation
  • Creating preservation metadata
  • Choosing a digital preservation solution

Metadata Consultation

Metadata Consultation

  • We can help you determine the metadata needs of your project based on type of content, subject area standards, and projected audience, and assist you in construction of a metadata schema

Server and Network Administration

Server and Network Administration

  • Splunk: Creating dashboards and monitoring alerts
  • Nagios: Configuring hosts and service availability monitoring
  • Server infrastructure: Setup and hosting guidance
  • Version control: Guidance on the use of version control for collaboration and versioning of content
  • SharePoint: Collaboration tool useful for the sharing of project-related documents

Web Development and Design

Web Development and Design

  • HTML, CSS: Web markup languages used as the essential building blocks for web pages
  • JavaScript: Programming language used for web interaction and functionality
  • WordPress, other Content Management Systems: Easily create, edit and modify web pages
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization attracts traffic and helps placement for online search results
  • Responsive Design: Optimize website layout and functionality for mobile devices
  • ReactJS, AngularJS: JavaScript tools used for building user interfaces in web applications