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ENGL 4450: Hamsa: Finding a book

This guide contains useful resources for Dr. Hamsa's ENGL 4450 course.

Search the Catalog by Title

Classic Catalog

Find the catalog record for the book you want

screenshot of catalog search results page


Once you've found the catalog record for the book you want, double-check that it will be located in RBD Library and make note of the book's call number.


screenshot of a catalog record for a book

Using a Library Floor Map

map of RBD's third floor


The curved part of the library building faces College Street and hotel. 


map oriented facing College Street

Navigating the Stacks

Use the tags at the end of each shelf to help you navigate to the row you need.​

picture of the stacks with call number tags circled


Since our call number started with PR 6052, it'll be between the two tags here.


picture of the stacks


This is the row we need to go down to find our book.


picture of the stacks


Next we find the right section and continue following our call number: PR 6052 .Y2 Z64 2001


photo of books in the stacks


Once we find our book we can take it to a self-check machine.


picture of book pulled out from the stacks

Checking out a book

If you still have an older TigerCard (one with a barcode on it), you can use one of the two self-check machines located in RBD Library: one is by the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor (on the parking deck side of the building) and one is on the 2nd floor across from the RBD Help Desk.

self-check machine


Scan your TigerCard first.


scanning tiger card


Then open the book you want to check out, place it in the cradle of the self-check machine, and scan the barcode located on the inside front cover of the book.


scanning book barcode with selfcheck


After the machine scans the barcode, you'll likely to need to push the book forward quickly so that the machine can de-sensitize the book.  This will ensure that you don't beep when you exit the library.  You'll hear a "thunk" sound if the book has been successfully de-sensitized. You can get a receipt with your due date printed or you can choose not to get a receipt.


self-check machine


If you have a newer TigerCard, you can check your books out by going to the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the library or the Mell Desk, just to your right as you exit the Mell Classroom Building.

If you don't want to check out a book

I know it feels wrong, but if you pull a book off the shelf--even if you didn't move away from the shelf and you're pretty sure you know exactly where it came from--just place it on an empty table and we'll come along to reshelve it.