Items for Check Out:
To check out books and other materials from the library, present your Auburn University ID card. In addition to books, AU users may check out laptops, headphones, power cords, whiteboard dry erase markers, etc. The Innovation & Research Commons (1st Floor, RBD Library) has additional technology for check out.
To renew or view items checked out to you (with due dates), login to your library account.
Loan periods vary depending on item type and your user group (e.g., student, faculty, staff, etc.). See Circulation Department policies.
Check out and Return Locations
RBD Library's primary location for check out and return is the Circulation Desk on the 1st Floor, adjacent to the parking deck entrance. RBD Library also has an exterior book drop located on Mell St., between the Mell Classroom Building and Spidle Hall. Additional book drops are located on the first floor of the Haley Center, the second floor of the Student Center near the Foy Help Desk, and outside between the Lowder Hall parking lot and Wiggins Hall.
Contact the Circulation Department
Circulation Department staff are available to answer your questions via email and phone.
Phone: RBD Library: 334-844-1701 | LADC: 334-844-1751 | Vet Med Library: 334-844-1749