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COMM 3100 - Professional Presentations

Links and Sources to help you on your research assignments

Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/Communications & JournalismLibrarian

Profile Photo
Isabel Altamirano
231 Mell St.
Auburn, AL 36849
Student Question/Office Hour - Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RBD 3011. Library Help Desk personnel can call me. I will meet you at the Desk. Other times are available, including evenings and weekends, but it will be held on Zoom. Email:

Getting Started: Creating an Account

If you don't already have a Google Account, create one.

Tip: While you don't need a Gmail account to create a Google Account, I would suggest NOT using your account because it might redirect you to Microsoft.

  1. Go to the Google Account sign in page.
  2. Click Create account.
  3. Enter your name.
  4. In the "Username" field, enter a username.
  5. Enter and confirm your password.
    • Tip: When you enter your password on mobile, the first letter isn't case sensitive.
  6. Click Next.
    • Optional: Add and verify a phone number for your account.
  7. Click Next.

Getting Started: Settings

Getting to the settings:

1. Click on the three parallel lines icon and then click on the Settings link

When you have a chance explore all the settings, but the following are must haves! 

  1. Library Links: Sets the libraries you search for Auburn University... EXCEPT Auburn University Montgomery
  2. Button: allows you to integrate an extension into your browser allowing you to search Google Scholar from most webpages
  3. Search Results:
    • Choose to see all including law and patents or only articles.
    • Results per page lets you change default setting of showing 10 records per page to 20 per page.
    • Selecting "Open each in new browser window" lets you keep your search results open rather than having click to go back