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COMM 3100 - Professional Presentations

Links and Sources to help you on your research assignments

Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/Communications & JournalismLibrarian

Profile Photo
Isabel Altamirano
231 Mell St.
Auburn, AL 36849
Student Question/Office Hour - Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RBD 3011. Library Help Desk personnel can call me. I will meet you at the Desk. Other times are available, including evenings and weekends, but it will be held on Zoom. Email:

Tips: Finding Current Material


To find the most recent papers on Google Scholar




1. Click “Since XXXX” to show only recently published papers, sorted by relevance.


2. Click “Sort by date” to show just the newest additions in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest)





3. Click "Create alert" envelope icon to have new results periodically delivered by email

Creating Alerts


1. Use the Create Alert after running a search and choosing your limiters. An alert will periodically be sent to your email address



2. The links to the articles should go straight to the article if you are on campus and we have electronic access to that publication


3. The save (star) icon will open up and/or save record to your Google Scholar My Library where the article finder links should appear

My Library

Clicking the Star Save under a record will save it to My Library


When you click on the save, you'll be able to create a collection (if one already exists), or add the record to an existing collection. The star will now show up as a solid color as long as it is saved to My Library in all future search results

Notice that your collection name will show up next to the title of the record. The article linking information is moved and can be found by clicking on the double arrows

The Button Extension

The Button extension loads automatically in Chrome. Some browsers you may have to go the browser's extension manager in order to install it. 

You know it is installed when it shows up as the Google Scholar icon in your browser bar.

When you are on any web page, just highlight an article title or citation and click the icon. You may be able to directly go to the article or, at the very least, save it to to My Library