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APA (7th Edition) for Nursing and Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences: Changes in 7th edition

Information about the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual

Changes from 6th to 7th Edition by Chapter

Chapter 1: Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles

Examples of more types of publications including student papers.

Checklist for ethical compliance (of research).

Chapter 2: Paper Elements and Format

More flexibility in fonts (for example can use Calibri 11).

  • Since font size can impact page length, recommend that for student papers, instructors either ask for word count rather than page length or that instructors specify which font students should use.

Headings are now all title case, all headings (including paper title on first page, References, and Appendices) are now bolded.

Samples of both professional and student papers

The label Running head is no longer required on the first page. Instead each page with be the same with just the actual running head.

  • The student paper example does not include a running head, only page numbers.
Chapter 3: Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)

Now address qualitative and mixed methods research as well as quantitative.

Includes sections required for each methodology.

Flowcharts and checklists to help with structuring article/paper.

Chapter 4: Writing Style and Grammar

Strategies to improve writing (ex. table for verb tense).

New usage of singular “they” (for ex. when gender is unknown or irrelevant).

Now includes examples from areas in addition to psychology (ex. nursing, business).

Chapter 5: Bias-Free Language Guidelines

Some updated, some new (ex. Socioeconomic status, participation in research, intersectionality).

Chapter 6: Mechanics of Style

Now recommend only 1 space after a punctuation mark.

How to use quotation marks other than direct quotes (i.e. instead of italics).

Preferred spelling for technologies (ex. email).

Capitalization, updated, also added medical examples (ex. diseases, therapies).

Chapter 7: Tables and Figures

Updated with examples that address all types of methodologies.

Standardized form for tables and figures (i.e. both are set up the same way).

Checklists for tables and figures.

Chapter 8: Works Credited in the Text

Addresses appropriate level of citation (avoiding overcitation and undercitation).

Allows for long paraphrase with a single in-text citation.

Addresses plagiarism and how to paraphrase.

Simplified in-text citation format; now with 3 or more authors, you use (Author et al, date) from the first time.

Information about correspondence between reference list and in-text citation (both parenthetical and narrative).

Added examples of quotation formatting.

New guidance on citing classroom and intranet resources.

New guidance on citing oral traditions and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples.

There is information about when it is ok to cite secondary sources and how to do that.

Chapter 9: Reference List

Four elements of reference and where to find those.

How to order reference list (updated examples).

Table of how to handle missing information.

Doi’s – preferred form now is

New guidance for annotated bibliographies.

Only use Retrieval dates when content is designed to change and is not archived. (should be very rare, examples provided in book).

Section about determining the reference category.

Chapter 10: Reference Examples

More than 100 new examples including examples for websites and social media.

Templates for each category.

Parenthetical and narrative in-text citations included for each example.

Issue number should always be included in a journal article (issue number was not required before).

No longer have to include Retrieved from home page for articles from databases with no doi, instead citation ends after page numbers.

Now need to spell out up to 20 authors (rather than including first 6 and then the last author).

For books, the publisher location is no longer required (still include publisher but not location).

Examples for twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit.

Examples for webpages and websites, titles are italicized.

Chapter 11: Legal References

Still based on Bluebook, updated examples.

Chapter 12: Publication Process

Information on preparing a manuscript for publication.

Includes information on adapting a dissertation or thesis into an article.

Information about predatory publishers, what that means, signs to look for, how to avoid them.

Templates for copyright attribution.

Flowchart of managing the publication process.

Includes information about open access.


Information about APA Style Blog
  • The APA Style Blog website,  has already been updated for the 7th edition.
  • Style and Grammar Guidelines tab has information from the book.
  • During the interim period (gradual move from 6th to 7th edition), content from the 6th edition will be archived on the APA Style webpage until at least August 2020.
    • To get there from the APA Style home page, , click on the Style and Grammar Guidelines tab, then on All Style and Grammar Guidelines (located at bottom right). Next page, scroll down to the bottom right and click on Blog Archive (under Sixth Edition).
    • OR link directly to the 6th Edition Archive. 



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