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Streaming Video Licensed to Auburn University Libraries

Find Kanopy and Swank licensed titles

Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/Communications & JournalismLibrarian

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Isabel Altamirano
231 Mell St.
Auburn, AL 36849
Student Question/Office Hour - Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RBD 3011. Library Help Desk personnel can call me. I will meet you at the Desk. Other times are available, including evenings and weekends, but it will be held on Zoom. Email:

DigitalCampus from Swank

Swank DigitalCampus provides streaming access to films licensed by semester and as our budget allows. Once added to our collection, titles can be used in any course that semester. Captioning is available in all videos and can be turned on and off as needed within the film. Films may be shown in class or assigned to enrolled students to view outside of class. The films do not have public performance rights.

Faculty members please contact your subject specialist if you need a title for your class.