UpToDate provides clinical answers at the point of care with evidence-based clinical decision support. Content is arranged by medical topics. Patient education material, drug information, and downloadable graphics are also included.
Use of UpToDate requires registering for an account and reconfirming your affiliation every 90 days.
See the box below for directions.
You must be on a computer connected to AU Wifi OR on the AU VPN* (Global Connect) in order to register for an Auburn UpToDate account.
Once you are on computer connected to AU Wifi or on the AU VPN*, click on the UpToDate website link below.
*If you need to download the AU VPN, directions appear below.
Once you have an AU UpToDate account, you can access that account from any computer, without being on the AU Wifi or on the AU VPN. However, you must reconfirm you are affilitated with Auburn at least once every 90 days.
*To download the AU VPN, click on the AU Install link below.