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Communication & Journalism Table of Contents

Table of contents (TOC) via RSS feeds (when available) for selected journals in Communication and Journalism studies

Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/Communications & JournalismLibrarian

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Isabel Altamirano
231 Mell St.
Auburn, AL 36849
Student Question/Office Hour - Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RBD 3011. Library Help Desk personnel can call me. I will meet you at the Desk. Other times are available, including evenings and weekends, but it will be held on Zoom. Email:

Editor & Publisher

Magazine cover -- old style investigative reporter with manual typewriter, hat, & dangling cigarette


"Editor & Publisher is the authoritative journal covering all aspects of the newspaper industry, including business, newsroom, advertising, circulation, marketing, technology, online and syndicates."

Columbia Journalism Review

Picture of the Columbia Journalism Review cover

The Columbia Journalism Review's mission is to encourage excellence in journalism. It was founded in 1961 by the Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, CJR monitors and supports the press, and also tracks the ongoing evolution of the media business. The magazine offers a mix of reporting, analysis, and commentary.

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Journalism & Mass Media Quarterly

Picture of the Journalism & Mass Media Quarterly Cover


Journalism & Mass Media Quarterly publishes original articles and book reviews on topics including but not limited to theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass communication, international communication, media technologies and society, advertising, public relations, journalism history, media law and policy, media management and economics, political communication and health communication.

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Communication & Sport

Picture of the Communication & Sport cover

"Communication & Sport  is a cutting-edge, peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport."

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The International Journal of Press/Politics

Picture of the International Journal of Press/Politics cover

"The International Journal of Press/Politics (IJPP), published quarterly, is an interdisciplinary journal for the analysis and discussion of the role of the press and politics in a globalized world. The Journal publishes theoretical and empirical research which analyzes the linkages between the news media and political processes and actors."

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