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Resources of use to Aerospace Researchers

Engineering & Physics Librarian

Profile Photo
Andrew Wohrley
Subjects: Engineering, Physics

Engineering Indexes Links & Lists

General Databases

Reference Books

Online References


 References in Print

 Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

The Airline Encyclopedia, 1909-2000. Ref HE 9780 .S65 2002

The Cambridge Dictionary of Space Technology Ref TL 788 .W54 2001

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space Ref TL 788 .V48 2003

Dictionary of Aeronautical English. Ref TL 509 .D53 1999

Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology Ref QB 497 .E53

Encyclopedia of US Air Force Aircraft and Missile Systems. Vol. 1 Post World War II Fighters 1945-1973. UG 1243 .K53 Vol. 2 Post World War II Bombers 1945-1973. D 301.82/5:B63

Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology. Ref QB 497 .E53 2003

Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Ref TL 526 .R9 G83 2000

SAE Dictionary of Aerospace Engineering Ref TL 509 .S24 1998

Handbooks and General Reference Books

AIM/FAR. Ref TL 712 .F432 2003

Aerospace Facts and Figures. TL 501.A818

NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. QD 511 .N57 1998

International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems. Ref TL 784 .I83 1999

Jane's All the World's Aircraft [latest in reference]. Ref TL 501.J3

Jane's Airports Equipment and Services Ref TL 725.3 .E6 J36

Jane's Avionics Ref UG 1420.J36

Jane's Space Directory. [latest in reference]. Ref TL 787 .J28

Handbook of Geophysics and the Space Environment. 4th Ed. QC 806 .H35 1985

Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Ref TD 4.408:P64/5/2003

USA in Space Ref TL 789.8 .U5 U83


 Subject Profile Call Numbers

Call number range LC Subject Heading
HE 9797.4 .A2 Access to Airports
KF 2400 -KF 2462 Aviation Law
QA 402 Systems Analysis
QA 861 Rigid Dynamics
QA 865 Vibrations
QA 913 Fluid Dynamics
QA 929 Viscous Fluids
QA 930 Gas Dynamics
QC 175 - QC 175.16 Kinetic Theory of Gases
QC 320 Heat Transfer
QC 670 Electromagnetic Theory
QC 871 - QC 995 Meteorology
TA 342 - TA 345 Mathematical Models
TA 357 - TA 359 Applied Fluid Mechanics
TA 404.8 - TA 418 Materials Mechanical Properties
TH 1635 Space Frame Structures
TJ 266 - TJ 267.5 Turbines
TK 7872 .P4 Piezoelectric Devices
TL 500 - TL 4050 Aeronautics
Z 699 Information Storage and Retrieval

How to Set Up Engineering Village E-mail Alerts

Engineering Village allows you to set up feeds that will email you updates that match the terms you give it.  This can work for keyword searching  (i.e machining AND steel), or you can do the same for journal titles.  (i.e Geosynthetics and Geomembranes).

Here are the steps you need to follow.

1.) Click on the link to Engineering Village

2.) If you do not have a personal login set up, create one now.

3.) Perform your search.  If you are searching for a journal, be sure to go to the pull-down menu to the right and select Source title.  You should then receive a list of titles every time the table of contents for that journal updates

4.) Click Search

5.) Now click the "Create Alert" link at the top of the page.

You should now have the new articles in the journal sent to you.

How to set up ASCE Digital Alerts.

You may set up Digital Alerts with ASCE by following these instructions.

1.) From the library's list of Indexes and databases, click on the link to ASCE Publications

2.) Select the journal that you need.

3.) Click on the link to E-mail Alerts.

4.) Click on the Register Now link.

5.) Follow the instructions and fill in the registration fields and click Submit.

6.) After you receive a confirmation email, click on My Tools at the top of the page.

7.) Click on Table of Contents Alerts.

8.) To have the Table of Contents sent to you, check the box for the journal of interest and click submit.