Q. How do I do transcription in NVivo?
A summary of different options for working with audio data in NVivo can be found here: https://help-nv.qsrinternational.com/12/win/v12.1.112-d3ea61/Content/files/transcribing-options.htm
Since the choices you make depend on what you are trying to do, as well as disciplinary practices, it’s hard to give simple answers without understanding the greater research context. As you develop your research proposal, you should work with your advisor to discuss the best qualitative research design. You may also wish to meet with your subject librarian for guidance: https://libguides.auburn.edu/subjectlibrarians
Additionally, you should consider things like workflow and how software choices impact privacy and confidentiality, especially as it touches into the IRB process. The library provides research data management consultations and guidance: https://libguides.auburn.edu/ld.php?content_id=39721091
Q. What tools can I use for transcription?
While NVivo has a transcription module, this service is an add-on to the base price for NVivo and Auburn has not purchased it.
Audacity is available in the computer lab in our Innovation & Research Commons on the first floor: https://libguides.auburn.edu/software/library. You may find this information on working with audacity for transciption helpful: https://www.dedoose.com/resources/articledetail/tips_on_transcription_for_your_qualitative_data_analysis
There are also numerous transcription options available and some have free, basic levels. For example: