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Open Access Support at AU Libraries (Initial)

Learn about transformative agreements and open access publishing resources from Auburn University Libraries.

Open Access Glossary & Terms

Listed below are some commonly used phrases for Open Access that appear in this LibGuide.

APCs - Described as Article Processing Charges or Article Publication Charges, APCs -----

Copyright Clearance Center (RightsLink) - An institutional portal or dashboard that allows a library to ----

Transformative Agreements (TAs) - A type of license negotiation with a library or library system and a publisher to provide open access publishing opportunities to the library's users or patrons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the CDR Department for Technical Assistance

Faculty and staff of the Collections, Discovery, and Resource Sharing (CDR) Department is here to help you with any technical questions you may have about:

  • Accepting the option to publish your article through one of our transformative agreement publishers
  • Submitting a request for APC fund
  • Determining whether AU Libraries subscribes to an open access publishing agreement with a specific publisher

Contact a Subject Librarian

Our Research and Instruction (R&I) and Innovation and Research Support (I&RS) librarians are here to help you navigate different areas of expertise

Need help with research or publishing in a specific area of academic study?

(Schedule an Appointment with a Subject Specialist)

Have general questions about using the Libraries?

(See LibAnswers & LibChat to read our FAQ Knowledge Base or communicate your comments to AU Libraries personnel)

You can also call ----- or connect directly with the RBD Library Help Desk using the chat box below.

Get Help from AU Libraries!