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Nursing: Articles & Databases

Nursing databases, online tutorials and websites.

Finding Articles

To find magazine/journal articles about Nursing, try the library databases listed to the right. Other databases can be found on the Libraries databases page.  NOTE: If you are searching off-campus, you will need your AU global ID and password

Print Journals

If you'd like to physically browse through journals on this topic, you can do so on the 4th floor of RBD Library. 

The R classification is for all aspects of medicine with RT the section dedicated to nursing. However, specific types of nursing may be found in other sections, for example, surgical nursing is found in RD 99- RD 99.35, ophthalmic nursing is found in RE 88 and pediatric nursing in RJ 245 - RJ 247.


Journal Abbreviations



Database Tutorials

Health Sciences Librarian

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Adelia Grabowsky
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231 Mell Street
Auburn, AL 36849
(334) 844-1797
