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COMM 7010: Qualitative Research Methods: Doing your Literature Review

A selection of library books, databases, digital and special collections to use for your class and for primary sources

Databases & ILL

The Auburn Libraries obtain many databases for your use. Information from conferences, newspapers, academic journals, podcasts, movies, magazines, etc. are used. Each specific database will have a different look and feel. Each specific database will also collect different information.


If you search for a topic in Database1, you will see different results in Database2, because each database will collect from different sources and time periods.

If you need a resource that the Library doesn't own, you can get a copy from Interlibrary Loan, at no cost to you. If you need a print book delivered and the mailroom for your department is open when you are on campus, it can be sent to your department's mailbox. Otherwise, it will be left for you to pick up near the 1st floor entrance of the RBD Library.

Any article/conference proceeding, etc. that is available as a pdf, will be sent to you by email in pdf format.

If you have any trouble in filing your ILL order or finding a specific article, please write to your librarian,


Databases in Auburn Libraries

If you are off-campus, you will be asked to log in with your username and password. If you can't log into the database after this, you might need to install a VPN (Virtual Private Network) program on your laptop. It will make the the database think that you are using the internet from campus.

These guides offer information about Alabama topics, APA citation, the research process, general databases, and things to do as you become an academic researcher.

This list is a list of databases grouped by topic. Communications and Journalism specific databases can be found here.

Here is the list of databases, grouped by title

Reasons to contact your librarian when using databases:

  1. The database doesn't load up. There might be an error at the vendor's end.
  2. An article doesn't come up.
  3. The wrong article comes up.
  4. The database is not on the list. Its name might have changed.
  5. The bookmarked database is not opening. Sometimes the links change. It's better to log in through one of the links on this page.


This guide gives quick tips on searching in databases or you can watch this video. The fewer words that you use, the more precise result you will get. Databases have filters to narrow down the results even more!


If you prefer using Google Scholar, make sure that you are logged into the Auburn network (Canvas, email, or some other program). When you see the results, they will be linking to the Auburn Libraries databases. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to pay for articles that we probably hold.