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This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries LibGuides

Women's & Gender Studies

This guide serves as a starting point for research in Women's & Gender Studies.

Philosophy, Religious Studies, & Women's Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Juliet Rumble
Draughon (RBD) Library
231 Mell Street
Auburn University, AL 36849-5606

Intimate Partner Violence

Select Titles from AU Libraries Collections

Resources for Intimate Partner Violence Victims

Sexual Assault Awareness

Select Titles from AU Libraries Collections

Featured Article and Podcast

Sexual Assault Awareness Resources

Safe Harbor believes, supports and assists students and employees of Auburn University who have experienced power-based personal violence, including dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking/harassment.

24/7 Crisis Phone Number: 334-844-SAFE (7233)


Rape Counselors of East Alabama strives to provide 24-hour free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault, their families, and friends. RCEA is committed to empowering survivors and eliminating all forms of sexual violence in our community. Through education and awareness, RCEA aims to change the cultural norms that enable sexual assault to proliferate. 

Hotline: 334-705-0510