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ERMA 7200 Basic Methods in Education Research - Gulley

This guide is designed to help you to access and to use effectively library resources relevant to the ERMA 7200 course.

Education, Kinesiology, Counseling, World Languages, Literatures & Cultures

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Todd Shipman
2338G RBD Library

Locating the "Cite" Function in an EBSCO Database and Discovery

Once you are reviewing the search results in an EBSCO database and you click on the link to a particular article, the article record page will come up.  On the right side of the article record page, you will find several options including one labelled as "Cite." You may click on this link to have the "cite" option appear on the page where you currently are.  The image below indicates the "cite" link.

Image with arrow indicating the "cite" option link on the right side of a article record page.



In Discovery, to access the Cite function, click on the 3 dots on the right side of each result.

Then click on "Cite."

Using the "Cite" function in an EBSCO database

Once you have clicked on the "cite" option link, the box with a scrolling feature will appear towards the top of the page.  Scroll until you find the APA style citation for the article.


Image from an EBSCO database with an arrow and a circle indicating the APA style citation provided by the database for the article selected.

In Discovery, once you are in Cite select the appropriate citation style, remembering to double check the accuracy of the citation. There may be errors.  Here is what the Cite function looks like in Discovery:

Verifying the citation you found in an EBSCO database

It is not possible for the EBSCO databases to verify and ensure that the citations provided by the "cite" option are precisely correct for all the styles shown.  Therefore it is the user's responsibility to verify and edit each citation found in the EBSCO databases before using the citation in a reference list, etc. It is recommended that user's before well-acquainted with the APA style for citing articles.  For your convenience, you may refer to the Purdue Owl website for APA Style. Click here