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Grant & Proposal Writing - Faculty Resources

This guide is intended to provide a list of resources for faculty who are interested in pursing funding for research and grants.

Using ORCID with SciEncv to create your Biosketch

Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an electronic system available through NCBI.  Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain biosketches that must be submitted with NIH and NSF grant applications and annual reports.  SciENcv pulls information from other systems, including MyNCBI, ORCID, and eRA Commons to ease administrative burden and allow researchers to quickly create and recreate a biosketch for each grant application or annual report.

ORCID ID.  Open Research and Contributor ID, is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of a unique digital identifier to help link researchers to their scholarly works regardless of institutional affiliation, moves, or names.  The AU Libraries can help you set up your account, see AU Libraries Guide.

Access SciENcv through MyNCBI.