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Culinary Science: Finding Information


Culinary Science

Human Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Lori Spradley
Auburn University Libraries
231 Mell Street
Auburn, AL 36849

Culinary Science Databases

ABI/INFORM Collection- An index with abstracts to periodicals in business, including economics, finance, accounting, management, marketing, and transportation.

Business Source Premier- Primarily 1965-present with some earlier. Search over 5,000 business-related journals and magazines along with company profiles, industry reports, market research reports, and more.

Culinary Arts -Find a variety of information from primary cooking and nutrition magazines and key reference titles.

Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Collection- Hospitality and Tourism provide access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. 

Mergent Online- Delivers a comprehensive suite of authoritative financial information with accuracy and timeliness. 

Mintel Academic Reports- Provides expert analysis of consumer trends, market statistics, and industry reports.

Natural Medicine- Monographs cover health and wellness and sports medicine. Also includes tools to check for interactions, effectiveness, nutrient depletion, and adverse effects of natural medicines, as well as impacts on pregnancy and lactation.

New York Times Online- American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership.

Nexis Uni - Comprehensive database of legal materials, including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and the various state governments; case law from 1789 to present; current and historical statutes and regulations from 1980 forward.

ScienceDirect - Search for peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters throughout the sciences.

Statista - Find statistics, consumer survey results, and industry studies 

Web of Science- Provides access to multiple databases that provide reference and citation data from academic journals, conference proceedings, and other documents in various academic disciplines

Selected Academic Journals

Nutrition Today- An established journal, it publishes articles by leading nutritionists and scientists who endorse scientifically sound food, diet, and nutritional practices. Lively, informative articles cover the most current and controversial topics, such as the role of dietary fiber in cancer, as well as news about people, meetings, and other events that affect the field.

Journal of Nutrition- The Journal of Nutrition (JN/J Nutr) publishes peer-reviewed original research papers covering all aspects of experimental nutrition in humans and other animal species; special articles such as reviews and biographies of prominent nutrition scientists; and issues, opinions, and commentaries on controversial issues in nutrition.

Appetite- Is an international research journal specializing in cultural, social, psychological, sensory and physiological influences on the selection and intake of foods and drinks.

Where to find Cookbooks in the Library

RBD Library  (Fourth Floor)  

TX353 Food History

TX360-TX361 Diet, food supply of countries and groups

TX369-TX370 Natural foods, junk foods

TX371-TX407 Meats, dairy, vegetables, vegetarianism, cereals, spices, condiments

TX501-TXTX549 Food analysis, composition, methods of analysis

TX551-TX560 Food values, dietary studies, specific foods, constituents

TX563-TX597 Food adulteration, residues, impurities

TX599-TX612 Home food preservation and storage

TX631-TX641 Gastronomy

TX642-TX840 Cookery

TX645 Cookery-history

TX653-TX658 Kitchens, cooking equipment, utensils

TX703-TX713 Cookbooks, early to 1800

TX714 Cookbooks, general, 1800-present

TX715 Cookbooks, 1800-present, American, Canadian

TX715 Cookbooks, 1800-present, world

TX727 Menus, bills of fare

TX731-TX740 Cookery- entertaining, holidays and special occasions

TX741-TX759 Cookery – foods of animal origin

TX761-TX799 Cookery – baking and confectionery

TX801-TX814 Cookery – vegetables, cereals, fruits, nuts

TX814-TX817 Beverages

TX820-TX840 Cookery – special variations (Barbecue, institutional, food processor, etc.)

TX901-TX985 Hospitality industry 

Maps of RBD Library