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This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries LibGuides

Barbara Bishop

Communication, Journalism, & Theatre Librarian
Profile Photo
Barbara Bishop
RBD Library
231 Mell Street
Auburn University, AL 36849-5606
(334) 844-1690
I am available to:

• Help locate peer-reviewed literature
• Teach information literacy sessions
• Provide a general orientation to library resources and tools

and much more – just ask!

My Works

My Areas of Expertise

No subject specialties have been selected.

My Guides

Last update: Mar 17, 2022 29 views
Alabama Demographics
Last update: May 10, 2022 18 views
Last update: Aug 15, 2023 3565 views
Last update: Jan 25, 2022 12 views
Census Data
Last update: Jan 15, 2023 27 views
Class Guides
Last update: Jan 6, 2022 117 views
Income Tax Page
Last update: Nov 30, 2022 31 views
Last update: Jan 25, 2022 15 views
New York Times Online
Last update: May 31, 2022 3032 views
Last update: Aug 15, 2023 141 views
US Demographics
Last update: Jul 28, 2022 85 views