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Graduate Nursing Students: Paraphrasing & Synthesizing

Databases, tutorials, and websites for Graduate Nursing Students

Direct Quotes

Within the behavioral and social sciences, the use of direct quotes is generally discouraged.

Instead, readings should be paraphrased into the authors own words and presented in the context of the current work or study. Ideally, readings should be synthesized to include findings from multiple works, as relevant. All paraphrasing and synthesized ideas must be referenced to the original author(s), see below for further details and examples.

Paraphrasing Sources

Paraphrasing involves using your own words to convey information provided by someone else.

Paraphrased information must be cited!

Strategies for Paraphrasing

  • Read the paragraph/section enough times to understand the meaning
  • Put the source aside and attempt to write the information in your own words.
  • Check your version against the original to be sure:
    • you have not borrowed directly from the source(s)
    • you have accurately presented the information you are paraphrasing.
  • Notate source information so that you can give credit to the original author for the information you have paraphrased.

Use the paraphrasing checklist below to check your work.

Synthesizing Sources

Synthesizing involves organizing information from multiple readings into key concepts.

Synthesized information must be cited!

Strategies for Synthesizing

  • Synthesizing is NOT just summarizing each source
  • Read the studies enough to understand where they agree and where they differ in their final conclusions
  • Summarize the key concept(s) offered by the original authors into your own works
  • Check your version against the original claims to be sure:
    • You have not taken a direct quote
    • You have accurately presented the original claims
    • You have noted areas where the sources differ

Use the Instructions for using a Synthesis Matrix below to help you review the literature and synthesize key concepts for your writing.


Reading the background or literature reviews of articles from nursing journals can help you develop a sense of how authors use synthesizing (effectively or ineffectively!).