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Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences: Books

Databases, online tutorials, and websites for those studying Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

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Library of Congress Classifications for Communication Disorders

RF 110 - 285 Diseases of the ear
286 - 320 Audiology. Hearing disorders
Anatomy of the ear
460 - 471.2
Physiology of the ear
Hearing (Psychology)
TK 7882.S65 Speech processing systems
7895.S65 Speech recognition systems
QC 221 - 246 Acoustics
HV 2349 - 2990.7 The deaf (Social aspects)
Speech and Language Disorders
RC 423 - 429 Speech and Language disorders
  423 General works
  424 Stuttering
  424.7 Articulation disorders
  425 Aphasia
  428 Study and teaching of speech therapy
  428.5 Speech therapy as a profession
  429 Augmentative and alternative communication
RD  525 Cleft palate (Surgery)
RF 460 - 547 Diseases of the throat
QP 306 Physiology. Voice and speech. Larynx
RC 387.5 Brain injury
RJ 496
  .A6 Aphasia
  .A63 Apaxia
  .L35 Language Disorders
  .S7 Speech disorders
  .S8 Stuttering
Linguistic aspects
P 118 - 118.75 Language acquisition
215 - 240 Phonology. Phonetics
Educational aspects
LB 1139.L3 Children. Language development
3453 - 3454 School health services. Speech disorders. Hearing disorders
RC 815 - 815.6 Deglutition disorders
RJ 463. I54 Pediatrics. Deglutition disorders


To find books, videos, or a particular journal about Communication Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology, or Audiology, search the Libraries catalog.

Here are some possible subjects to search:


Articulation Disorders



Communication Disorders

Communicative Disorders


Deglutition Disorders

Hearing Disorders

Hearing Impaired


Language Disorders



Speech Disorders

Speech-Language Pathology

Speech Pathology

Speech Therapy

Voice Disorders

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