For larger, public companies:
Best Bet
Mergent Online This link opens in a new window
Search by company name or ticker symbol
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ProQuest One Business This link opens in a new window
1) Click on ProQuest One Business hyperlink at top of page, 2) go to Company Overviews box, 3) choose Browse all Company Reports, and 3) search by company name
Business Insights: Essentials This link opens in a new window
Go to Browse Companies in the upper right and search by company name
Mergent Archives This link opens in a new window
Older company reports can be found here and will help tell the story of how the company has changed over time
For private, smaller companies:
PrivCo This link opens in a new window
Requires the creation of an individual user account associated with an Auburn University email address.
Mergent Intellect This link opens in a new window
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