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This guide provides you with an overview of library resources and services for Communication

Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/Communications & JournalismLibrarian

Profile Photo
Isabel Altamirano
231 Mell St.
Auburn, AL 36849
Student Question/Office Hour - Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at RBD 3011. Library Help Desk personnel can call me. I will meet you at the Desk. Other times are available, including evenings and weekends, but it will be held on Zoom. Email:

Cover for Journal of Communication


The following are selected journals for communication. The Library has access to the current articles to these titles in electronic format and in some cases we have the older issues in paper.

The International Communication Association (ICA):

     Search all ICA Journals except Annals of the ICA on the Oxford Academic platform beginning with 1996.

The following links will take you to the catalog. Choose Oxford for the most current articles, and choose the Taylor and Francis holdings for older articles.

The National Communication Association (NCA):