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Payton INSY Graduate Class on Industrial Internet of Things

Useful information for Industrial Internet of Things class.

Engineering & Physics Librarian

Profile Photo
Andrew Wohrley
Subjects: Engineering, Physics

Chat, Text, Phone, & Email Assistance

Use Ask-a-Librarian if you have a basic question for which you need an immediate response.  For more in-depth research questions, contact a subject librarian.  

Chat Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 8am-midnight  |  Fri.: 8am-6pm  |  Sat.: 9am-5pm  |  Sun.: 1pm-midnight  

Phone: 334-844-1737 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Ask a Librarian services

Subject Librarians

Subject librarians with expertise in specific disciplines are available for virtual and in-person research consultations. You can schedule a meeting by calling, emailing, or clicking on the "Schedule Appointment" button on their research guides.  Depending on your research needs, they can help with:

  • identifying & locating sources (books, articles, etc.)
  • research strategies & database searching
  • literature reviews
  • tracking down hard-to-find information & publications

research consultation

Research Guides

Research guides provide overviews of key resources and search tools.  Many of these resources are available online.

Research guides are created by our subject librarians.  Contact them if you have questions.

Workshops & Training

Library faculty and staff offer workshops and training in research skills and strategies, citation management, productivity and multimedia creation software (e.g., LaTeX, Adobe Creative Cloud, etc.), and more.  Sign up at our workshop registration page

Library workshop

Citation Management

Zotero icon

Mendeley icon

EndNote X9 icon

Citation management tools are a great way to organize and retrieve citations for books, articles, and Web sites.  They can pull citations directly from library databases, and they work with word-processing software to insert footnotes and citations to create properly formatted notes and bibliographies.

The Libraries offer training in three citation managers: Zotero, Mendeley, and Endnote.  Register for one of our regularly scheduled workshops or check out our online guides:

Information about specific citation styles is available from these online guides: 

More Research Support