If you are an Auburn alum and have not received an email invitation to create an OpenAthens account, please email library support at libhelp@auburn.edu.
We can help you verify whether your correct email address is on file and any additional questions you may have about your account.
If you require further assistance with Alumni electronic resource access, visit our FAQ and Technical Support page.
At this time, all our alumni resources are only available through this LibGuide for dues-paying members of the Auburn Alumni Association and degree-awarded graduates of Auburn University.
These exclusive materials, as shown to the right, are now accessible through our libraries' authentication system, OpenAthens. If you are an Auburn alum:
Once you've created your account, you can access our Alumni resources by following these steps:
Visitors to our branch library locations on campus can access electronic resources through computers designated for public use. The Ralph Brown Draughon (RBD) Library, Charles Cary Veterinary Medical Library (VetMed), and the Library of Architecture, Design, & Construction (LADC) each provide at least one computer for public access.
Recent graduates of Auburn University continue to have access to computers on campus, including those located at the libraries, for up to three terms after graduation. Otherwise, alumni should use the resource links on this Library Guide (LibGuide) to access electronic materials when off-campus.
Enjoy exclusive access to over 60 information resources available to all Auburn University alumni, including: